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Frozen Pizza Nutrition Facts

Many people around the globe love pizza. Explore Frozen Pizza Nutrition Facts!

Even the pickiest eaters will love this addictive combination of sweet tomato sauce, delicious crust, and salty mozzarella cheese.

It is often considered unhealthy because of its high calories, sodium, and carbs.

This article will review the nutritional content of some of the most popular pizzas and offer tips for making them healthier.

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Frozen Pizza Nutrition Facts

Depending on the Pizza, nutrition, and ingredients can differ greatly.

Some varieties may contain unhealthy ingredients.

Frozen Pizza

Frozen pizzas are a popular choice for busy families and college students.

There are some exceptions, but most of them are high in sodium, calories, and sugar.

These are often highly processed and may contain added sugar, artificial preservatives, and unhealthy oils.

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Red Baron Classic Crust Pepperoni Frozen Pizza (1/4-inch) contains the following:

  • Calories: 380
  • 18 grams of fat
  • Carbohydrates: 39g
  • Sugar: 8g
  • Sodium: 810mg — 34% of the Reference Day Intake (RDI).

You can increase the calories by adding toppings such as sausage, cheese, and other high-calorie foods. French bread and the stuffed crust can also add more calories.

Freshly Made Pizzeria Pizza

Pizza can be made with various ingredients and methods, just like frozen pizzas.

Although the nutritional content of pizzeria pizzas is not always listed on their websites, many pizzeria chains make it available.

Pizzas made fresh are often healthier than those prepared in fast-food restaurants and convenience stores.

Pizzerias use simple ingredients such as olive Oil and Wheat flour to make their dough.

Some restaurants may use homemade sauces without added sugar or fresh cheeses, depending on where you are.

However, whether you order fresh or frozen pizzas, adding extra toppings can lead to unhealthy eating.

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Fast-Food Pizza

The unhealthiest choice is Pizza sold in fast-food restaurants or convenience stores.

It is high in calories, unhealthy fats, and carbs.

One large slice (167 grams) of Pizza Hut Pepperoni Lovers Pizza provides (2):

  • Calories: 460
  • Fat: 26 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 37g
  • Sugar: 1 gram
  • Sodium: 900m — 38% of RDI

Fast-food pizzas often contain more ingredients than homemade ones. This includes monosodium glucose (MSG), artificial colors, and high-fructose Corn Syrup (3). All of these can negatively impact your health.

They are also packed with sodium making them a bad choice for salt-sensitive people.


Pizza, especially frozen and fast-food types, are high in calories, fat, and sodium. Some processed pizzas may have unhealthy ingredients like colorings and added sugars.

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Is Pizza a Healthy Choice?

While some types of Pizza can be unhealthy, others are more nutritious.

Can Contain Unhealthy Ingredients

As with all food, pizzas made from processed ingredients are more likely to contain unhealthy ingredients than ones made from scratch.

Fast-food and frozen pizzas may contain preservatives, colors, and unhealthy fats.

However, all pizzas are made with refined wheat flour, regardless of how they’re made.

This flour has lower fiber content and is less filling than whole grain flour.

Weight Gain has been associated with eating refined grains products, such as Pizza and ready-made meals.

One study of 1,352 people revealed that those who ate more than 70g of Pizza per day were more likely to have more belly fat.

Certain types are high in Calories and Carbs.

Pizzas of all types are high in calories, sodium, and fats. They’re often topped with cheese, salty foods, and other high-calorie toppings.

Some pizzas may contain added sugar in the crust or certain toppings and sauces.

Red Baron Barbecue chicken pizzas contain a huge 21g (4 teaspoons) of sugar.

Consuming refined foods high in sugar can increase your risk of developing chronic conditions like obesity and heart disease .

You can also increase the number of carbs and calories by choosing deep-dish or stuffed pizzas.

Although you may occasionally enjoy a slice of pizza or fast food, regular consumption can cause weight gain and increase your risk of developing chronic diseases.

Some recipes can be healthy.

Although many pizzas are high in sodium, calories, and fat, they can still be good choices if made with whole, fresh ingredients.

Traditional Pizza is made from flour, yeast, water, and salt. It also includes tomato sauce, fresh cheese, and tomato sauce.

These limited ingredients make Pizza very healthy.

You can increase the nutritional content of homemade Pizza by using nutrient-dense toppings such as vegetables and high-quality protein sources such as grilled chicken.

Many pizza restaurants offer whole-wheat or gluten-free crusts and healthier topping options like fresh vegetables and herbs.


Although Pizza is high in calories, sodium, and carbs, many varieties can be made at home or in restaurants. You can make them healthier by choosing whole-grain crusts or adding nutritionally dense toppings.

Healthy Tips

A sound eating plan should include enjoying your favorite foods now and again.

It’s fine to occasionally eat frozen, fast-food, or pizzeria-style Pizza, but it’s better to limit your consumption to only a few times per year.

There are many ways to make this delicious and healthy dish more enjoyable for true pizza lovers.

Create Your Own

You have no control over the ingredients in a frozen pizza purchased from a fast-food restaurant or shop.

You can make your own meals and decide what goes in.

You can increase fiber content by making your own crust using whole-grain flour or gluten-free flour.

You can also make a gluten-free crust with cauliflower or nut flour.

You can top your pie with unsweetened sauce, good cheese, and healthy toppings such as peppers, sundried tomatoes, or broccoli.

Use Whole Ingredients

Make homemade pizzas or buy Pizza from a shop that uses whole ingredients.

Take a look at product ingredients to make sure you only buy whole-food products.

Avoid premade crusts and pizzas with artificial colors, high fructose corn syrup, processed meats, or artificial preservatives.

You can make your Pizza by making your crust and toppings instead of purchasing premade pies or crust mixes.

Practice Portion Control

Weight gain can be caused by overeating, regardless of whether it is a healthy choice.

It is important to practice portion control for your overall health.

This is especially true when you enjoy foods like ice cream, bread, and Pizza that are easy to overeat.

You can reduce your calorie intake by practicing portion control, whether you’re eating freshly prepared Pizza or premade slices.

Takeout pizza should be ordered in portions. Make sure to eat off the plate and not from the box.

For a balanced meal, eat a green salad first before eating a slice of your favorite pie.

Additional Healthy Tips

These are just a few other ways you can make Pizza healthier.

  • Add veggies to your Pizza: To increase the fiber and vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content, top homemade or takeout orders with fresh or cooked vegetables.
  • Avoid processed meats. Instead, swap processed meats such as bacon and pepperoni for a more nutritious source of protein like grilled poultry.
  • Whole-grain crusts are a better choice to increase fiber.
  • Sauces without added sugar are best: Look for sauces that do not contain added sugar. This will help to reduce sugar content.
  • Choose thin crust instead of deep-dish and stuffed-crust to reduce your calorie intake.
  • Slices of Pizza should be cut smaller: Be mindful of portion control and don’t eat too many.
  • You can try different recipes.


There are many ways you can increase the nutritional content of your Pizza. You can make your Pizza healthier by choosing whole-grain crusts, adding vegetables, and being more mindful of portion control.

The bottom line

When done well, Pizza can be a healthy option.

Pizza can be healthier than many fast foods and frozen pizzas.

For those concerned about their health, there are many options available for them. These include choosing low-calorie products, adding healthy toppings, and making homemade Pizza.

It is important to eat whole foods for optimal health. However, it is okay to indulge in your favorite foods occasionally, even if they aren’t the best.

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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