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10 Amazing Facts About Zebras

Few animals are as captivating as the Zebra in an entirely visual sense. Penguins, giant pandas, and skunks might have the same striking color scheme. Here are the Facts About Zebras for you to explore!

However, the Zebra’s distinct stripes create an animal that is distinct from the rest. However, the Zebra is more than just a horse sporting stripes. There are three species of this magnificent animal: Grevy’s and the mountain zebra along with the plains zebra, and all of them are on IUCN’s Red List of threatened species.

Here are some interesting things you might not know about the remarkable Zebra.

Facts About Zebras

1. Zebra Stripes Are Typically an Agricultural Method of Pest Control

Scientists have been debating this crucial question for over 150 years. Theories range from camouflage techniques to deter predators to methods of communicating to the members of their species as well as methods for regulating the temperature of their environment. But the most likely explanation is, based on research, is less appealing.

It is discovered that the zebra stripes are a method of pest control. They shield zebras from bites by insects. When comparing zebras with horses, the closest living relative researchers discovered that horses were bit by flies more frequently than zebras under similar circumstances, concluding that the incredible stripes aren’t simply a decorative feature.

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2. There are 3 Species of Zebra in the Wild

They are found in various regions of Africa. Three living species that Zebra inhabit include the plains zebra, mountain zebra, and the Grevy’s Zebra. The three species are all part of the Genus Equus, including donkeys and horses.

The Grevy Zebra is only found in Ethiopia and Kenya. It is named after Jules Grevy, a 19th-century French president given one by Abyssinia as a present. It is the biggest of all three, weighing more than 1,000 pounds. Plains Zebras are smaller and weigh up to 800 pounds. They live in about South Sudan and southern Ethiopia up to northern parts and northern parts of South Africa. The smallest species, called the mountain zebra, weighs up to 800 pounds. It is located throughout South Africa, Namibia, and Angola.

3. Every species has different types of Stripes.

The width and the pattern of zebra stripes differ depending on the species. The Grevy’s Zebra has thin vertical stripes covering the whole body, including the ears and its mane. The pattern of striping on the plains zebra is different depending on the location as they either have black stripes and a mostly white body color or lighter, darker brown stripes throughout. Mountain zebras are off-white or white color for their bodies with deep brown or black stripes that are placed apart. They don’t feature stripes across their belly, and their bodies and heads are more narrow than those on the rump. Within each species, there are no two zebras with the same stripes. They are as distinct as fingerprints.

4. They are impressive climbers.

As you might expect, mountain zebras are found in rugged terrain at high altitudes. They’re equipped to take on their environment: they possess strong, pointed hooves which enable them to climb mountains. They can be found at elevations of more than 6,500 feet mountain zebras, using their formidable ability to climb mountains to find water and food. 3 Not to be overlooked Plains zebras travel through many different habitats, from mountains as high as 14,000 feet to the plains of Serengeti. Grevy’s zebras are close to the grassland habitats they love and stay at elevations less than two thousand feet.

5. They’re Social Animals

Most zebras live relatively social lives. Plain zebras are in small families known as harems. They consist of one male, between one and six females, and their children. The bonds among females in the harems are strong, and they remain together even when their dominant male is absent or killed. This social nature of mountain zebras includes having large breeding herds and groups of males who do not breed. The dominating male is more likely to be the one to initiate the actions within the herd. Grevy’s zebras have a less formal social system. The herd’s members change frequently and sometimes frequently. Grevy’s zebras’ most stable and reliable connection is between a mare and her offspring.

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6. They are always looking for Danger.

Be on the lookout for signs of lions, leopards, hyenas, and cheetahs. The herd is constantly watching out for signs of Danger. If plains zebras detect the presence of predators, they make an alarm with a loud sound to warn the herd. At night the majority of the group is awake to watch. In the mountain zebra population, the dominant male might make a snorting sound to warn predators and give the majority of the herd the chance to flee. Although they aren’t necessarily the most social of all species, they will gather in unison when Danger is approaching the Grevy’s zebras.

7. They can use a variety of methods of Self-Defense.

Zebras can defend their territory and herd by biting, kicking, and pushing off predators. They are known to engage in aggressive behavior when a horse attempts to control their territory or demonstrate dominance during mating. If the Zebra is attacked, others zebras will come to the defense of the Zebra and create circles around it to protect it from predators. Another common method of self-preservation for zebras involves running. They can travel at forty to fifty miles an hour to escape threats.

8. They have been crossbred with Other Equines.

Since the late 19th century, zebras are crossbred with other species to create “zebroids.” This crossing between a zebra with another animal, typically a donkey or horse, is meant to produce an animal that is the best for both animals. Zebras have been resistant to domestication. However, they are more healthy and less prone to diseases than their horse-related counterparts. 4 A diverse range of zebroids resulted from these cross-breedings, including the zorses, zedonks, and Zorses.

9. They’re a Popular Mascot

Of all Fruit Stripe Gum mascots, the Zebra called “Yipes” has stood out above all the others and is now the gum’s primary “spokes animal.” Yipes can be seen on the packaging’s outside and wrappers for tattoo gum. The year 1988 was the first time Yipes turned into an advertising bendy character that could fetch quite high prices on the toy collector’s market. The owner of Fruit Stripe Gum has changed many times, but Yipes, the Zebra’s mascot, is still in use.

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10. They are in Danger

The three species of zebras in existence are listed as endangered on the list. The Grevy’s Zebra is threatened and is the most endangered, with less than 2,000 individuals remaining. 5 But the survival of the mountain zebra and the plains zebra is of concern. Mountain zebras are at risk, 6with fewer than 35,000 remaining individuals. Plains zebras are threatened, with a decreasing number of 150,000-250,000.

Humans pose the greatest threat to zebra populations. Hunter-killing and habitat destruction are the primary factors to blame for the decline of their population. Zebras also face threats from droughts, extremely weather-related conditions, and the loss of genetic diversity due to the inbreeding of a tiny subpopulation and competition from cattle for food.

Shreya is a young mind who is always in search of creativity, be it in work or living a life. She's a keen observer who loves to pen down her thoughts on anything and everything. With a factful mind, she's here sharing some with you!


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