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14 Incredible Facts About Venus!!

Venus is the second planet to our Sun, an anomaly for many reasons. Explore amazing Facts About Venus below!!

With this week’s infrequent passage of Venus that will see Venus will be passing through the Sun’s rays by Earth the following June 5 (June 5) Here at, consider it a good moment to take a peek at the unique characteristics in one of the closest friends of our solar system.

Without further delay, here are the 10 most bizarre things that happen to Venus.

Strange and Fun facts about Venus

1. The day of Venus can last for longer than one whole year

The planet takes Venus longer to turn its axis to complete one full orbit around the Sun. This is the equivalent of 243 Earth days to spin at once – which is the longest time that any other planet has within the Solar System – and only 224.7 Earth days to complete one full orbit around the Sun.

2. Venus is hotter in comparison to Mercury despite being further from the Sun

Its average temperature is 462deg C. This is due to the high level of carbon dioxide within Venus the atmosphere, which helps create an intense greenhouse effect that traps heat within the atmosphere like blankets, making the temperature of Venus significantly greater than its proximity to the Sun could suggest.

3. Unlike other planets in the solar system, Venus rotates counterclockwise around its axis.

All other planets rotate anti-clockwise on their axes and revolve around the Sun in the opposite direction of clockwise. Venus also is orbiting the Sun counterclockwise. However, its peculiar axis rotation is caused by being upside down. It was knocked from its upright place earlier in its history! Astronomers believe that at one moment, a collision with a celestial body caused a tilt of Venus so far from its initial position that it’s currently upside down. One other star known to spin in a bizarre direction is Uranus spinning on its side, most likely due to an earlier collision early in its history.

4. Venus is the second most bright natural night sky object, just behind the Moon. Moon

The sulfuric acid clouds present in Venus’ atmosphere make it reflect and shiny and block our view of the surface. The cloud’s brightness makes it appear at all times of the day, provided it’s clear, and you know where to look.

5. Venus is 90 times more affluent than the atmosphere pressure Earth

It’s roughly the same pressure at depths of 1 km in the Earth’s oceans.

6. Venus is named for the Roman goddess of beauty and love.

It is believed that Venus was named in honour of the gorgeous Roman goddess (counterpart to the Greek Aphrodite) because of its shining, bright appearance in the night sky. Out of the five planets discovered by ancient astronomers, Venus would have been the brightest.

7. Venus is the very first star to see its movements traced across the sky, beginning in 2 millennia BC

Since Venus is so easy to see through an eye without any assistance, it’s difficult to determine who first discovered Venus. However, over time we’ve been able to observe Venus movements, including that rare passage of Venus in which the planet is seen from Earth to come with the Sun.

8. We often refer to it as “Venusian,” not “Venerian.”

According to the guidelines of Latin, according to the Latin rules, we must use “venereal” as an adjective to refer to things related to Venus. But, it is considered as being too similar to the word venereal. Despite its awkward etymological origins, the most commonly used term is ‘Venusian’.

9. Venus is in a hostile atmosphere

Venus is a terrestrial planet with volcanic terrain, rocky terrain and a dense atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and sulphuric acid-rich clouds cover the entire atmosphere. Additionally, the thick atmosphere creates intense surface pressures of 92 bar (as high as 1,600 meters below sea level on the planet) and makes the Earth uninhabitable.

10. Venus is hot as hell.

While Venus is considered the planet with the highest solar radiance, it’s warmer than Mercury and has surface temperatures at 465 degrees Celsius that are sufficient to cause lead to melting. Venus has a significant ‘albedo’ factor, or capacity to reflect solar radiation. Venus is not home to converting carbon dioxide into energy, thus creating greenhouse effects. The dense gases hold the heat energy and raise temperatures on the surface.

11. Venus is a volcanic planet with features

Astronomers have seen massive flowing lava channels (some even 6000 km in length) on Venus, suggesting that the planet has seen a lot of volcanic activity over the years. Recently, spacecraft detected explosions of sulphur dioxide emitted out of the Venusian clouds, suggesting that Venus may be active volcanically. It is believed that there may have been 37 active volcanoes located on Venus.

12. Venus has all-year-round days

Venus is located close to the Sun, and therefore it is in a tight gravitational pull. Due to this, it spins around the Sun, swiftly taking 225 earth days. But, Venus spins about its orbit slowly, which takes the equivalent of 243 days to turn once; therefore, that a day on Venus will be longer the length of its year.

13. Venus is the only planet to have two dawns one year

Since Venusian day length is longer than their annual cycle, it can have an earth-based sunrise every 117 days. Therefore, when the day comes to an end on Venus, there are two sunrises, and a whole year has been completed.

14. Venus is spinning in reverse

The majority of planets rotate around them the axis in a clockwise direction; however, not Venus. Astronomers believe that in the beginning, when Venus was developing, an enormous celestial body may be in collision with Venus and then tossed it off its axis.

Wrapping Up:

Hope you loved reading these facts about Venus!!! Stay tuned for more fun facts!!

Also, check out 10+ Fun Facts About Neptune The Ice Planet!!

Ru is an entertainment nerd who likes to spill the beans about what's happening in the entertainment industry. She comes up with well-researched articles so that you can "Netflix and Chill." Come join her as she has a lot to tell her readers.


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