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10 Amazing Facts About Tennessee

I don’t know about others, but Tennessee is 222 miles away from me. A Taylor Swift reference seems fitting in a state known as a country state.

Here are ten things you might not know regarding the Volunteer State that was made the state it was today on June 1, 1796.

1. Tennessee is tied with the state that has the most borders.

The two states with the highest bordering states comprise Tennessee and Missouri, Tennessee, which is also one of the eight states that Tennessee shares. The remaining seven comprise Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Alabama.

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2. An earthquake created the Tennessee lake. An earthquake formed Tennessee lake.

Reelfoot Lake is situated within Lake and Obion counties and was formed by the violent earthquakes that struck the New Madrid fault zone in late 1811 and early 1812, as per the state dictionary.

3. Kingston was the capital of the state for a short time.

In 1807 Kingston became the state capital for just one day. This was because the state assembly was there to fulfill a treaty commitment signed by the Cherokee, according to the state Encyclopedia.

4. Tennesee is home to 10 state tunes.

Tennessee has not just one nor two, but ten state songs. These are listed by adoption order:

  • 1925: “My Homeland, Tennessee,” by Nell Grayson Taylor and Lamont Smith
  • 1935: “When It’s Iris Time in Tennessee,” by Willa Waid Newman
  • 1955: “My Tennessee,” by Frances Hannah Tranum
  • 1965: “Tennessee Waltz,” by Redd Stewart and Pee Wee King
  • 1982: “Rocky Top,” by Boudleaux and Felice Bryant
  • 1992: “Tennessee,” by Vivian Rorie
  • 1996: “Pride of Tennessee,” by Fred Congdon, Thomas Vaughn, and Carol Elliot
  • 1996: “Tennessee Bicentennial Rap,” by Joan Hill Hanks
  • 2010: “Smoky Mountain Rain,” by Kye Fleming & Dennis Morgan
  • 2012: “Tennessee,” by John R. Bean

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5. Tennessee is the place where the tow truck.

Ernest Holmes of Chatanooga invented the car in the year 1916.

6. In addition to being the White House, Graceland is one of the most visited places in the nation.

In the year 2016, Elvis Presley’s mansion was able to welcome its 20 millionth guest.

7. Tennessee provided the most soldiers to the Union from the Southern States.

In reality, Tennessee provided more soldiers to the Union than all Confederate states. The state had around 31,000 soldiers in the forces of the federal government, as per the state Encyclopedia of Tennessee.


8. Coca-Cola is a large part of the success it has enjoyed in Tennessee.

According to the company website, the drink was first created by a group of people in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1886 and then advertised as a fountain drink for a long time. It wasn’t until 1899 that two Chattanooga attorneys came up with the idea of establishing bottling companies. They proposed the idea to Coca-Cola’s President, who granted attorneys bottling rights for just $1. The money was never taken, but the bottling plant was later opened in Chattanooga.

9. The Volunteer State invented mini golf.

While the game was not invented in Tennessee, Tennessee resident Garnet Carter received the first mini-golf patent in 1927 to one of his golf courses Tom Thumb. The course was built at the Fairyland Inn in Lookout Mountain, Georgia, less than 1 mile from the Tennessee state line, as per The Smithsonian Magazine.

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10. Tennessee has some peculiar speed limitations.

As per Google Maps, the street in Collierville has an upper limitation of 19 mph. However, Trenton has several warnings that read 31 mph.

Shreya is a young mind who is always in search of creativity, be it in work or living a life. She's a keen observer who loves to pen down her thoughts on anything and everything. With a factful mind, she's here sharing some with you!


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