The geometry makes us look for patterns, discover lengths, breadths, angles, and areas, and, in short, makes our understanding better regarding sizes and shapes and the world that surrounds us.
Here are some interesting Facts About Geometry that we all have learned since childhood but need revision.
Facts About Geometry
1. Origin of Geometry
The origin story of the term “Geometry” is an intriguing piece. It is derived from the Greek word “Geo,” meaning “Earth,” and ‘Metria’ which means “measurement.” It is an estimation of Earth.
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2. Father of Geometry
Greek Mathematician Euclid did remarkable work in geometry, including the famous “Elements” that were an integral part of texts that taught mathematics until the beginning of the 20th century. Euclid was alive in the year of 300BC. Because of his work, he’s called the “Father of Geometry.”
3. History of Geometry
The application of Geometry principles goes back to 3000 BC when Ancient Egyptians employed a variety of geometric equations to determine the area of circles and other formulas.
4. Pythagoras Theorem is old
The only theorem that we can remember from the complex geometry is the Pythagoras theorem related to the three sides of a right-angle triangle. A2 + b2 = c2. It will surprise you that this theory was discovered by a Greek mathematician and philosopher who lived in 500 BC.
5. Other Mathematicians contribute to Geometry
A famous mathematician, Archimedes of Syracuse in 250 BC played a key part in the development of geometry. He was a pioneer in determining the size of objects with an irregular shapes.
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6. Greeks were used in Geometry in the making of Building
Greeks were so keen on using Geometry that they created artwork and even leased buildings based on a golden ratio of around 1.618. You have yet another reason to be awed by this topic!
7. The powerful tools of Geometry
The two most effective geometric tools that assisted in the development of subject matter and helped create different lengths, angles, and geometric shapes included Compass and straight edge.
8. Babylonians and Pi
There is a belief that Babylonians in the early era could measure a circle that was about three times the diameter. It is interestingly similar to the measurement we have today in Pi (around 3.14)
9. Branchings of Geometry
If we were to take Geometry lessons, you don’t consider it numerous branches to choose from. This subject is multifaceted with numerous branches, including Euclidean Geometry, Analytic, Projective, Differential, Topology, Non- Euclidean.
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10. The fascinating Euler’s Formula
If we consider any three-dimensional solid with flat faces, referred to as polyhedrons, such as cubes, pyramids, or soccer balls, then add the faces to the number of vertices and subtract the number. Of edges will always yield the answer of 2. E.g., a Cube with six faces, eight vertices, and 12 edges will equal 6+8-12=2.
11. Geometry is a must for Computers and Calculators
The modern geometrical concept has come quite a way in its early stages of development and is utilized in various areas, including the raw computing power of today’s computers. Understanding this subject is crucial in computer graphics and calculators to resolve structural issues.
12. The beginning Phase of the Geometry Era
The first steps of geometry were discovered by the ancient Indus Valley and ancient Babylonia people around 3000 BC. It was discovered for construction, astronomy surveys, and various other arts and crafts. Egyptians are also part of the initial stage of the Geometry Era.
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13. Introduction to 3 Dimensional Geometry
In the Renaissance, the period is known as Projective Geometry, artists like Da Vinci and Durer discovered ways to draw three-dimensional objects on 23 different surfaces. They refined these techniques in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and later, in the 20th century, projective geometry was employed to create computer graphics.