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7 Fascinating Facts About Asteroids

At first look, the space rocks aren’t exactly appealing. What if they’re simply a pile of dirt? What is their value for understanding how to understand the Solar System compared to looking at moons and planets? Here are some amazing Facts About Asteroids that you can learn!

It turns out that asteroids are crucial to figuring out how this Solar System came to be and are more fascinating than they seem at first.

Facts About Asteroids

1. Asteroids are remnants of the time that the solar system was created.

Many billions of years ago, as the solar system began still forming, space dust and debris melted into rubble and rocks. As the rocks spun and smashed into each other, they joined and created moons and planets.

Asteroids are relics of the past. They’ve remained unchanged for millions of years.

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2. Asteroids comprise millions within the solar system.

After Jupiter was formed, its enormous gravity held the rest of the millions of space rocks and stopped them from forming further planetary bodies between Mars and Jupiter. The rubble remains in their natural form make up the rocky world of the Asteroid Belt located in the vast distance between Mars and Jupiter.

These asteroids comprise millions of sizes and orbit the sun on wide circular orbits.

3. Asteroids were the moons of planets

As asteroids orbit around the sun, they can encounter each other, collide, and ram onto planets. A few of them are caught in a planet’s gravity and then become moons. Moons like Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are derived from this.

4. Asteroids can also have rings, moons, and tails

Asteroids are nothing more than specks of dust and rubble that are extremely small and have a weak gravitational force. But, when smaller rocks come to the edges of a bigger one, it is pulled by the larger one and then become their moon.

In 2013, scientists discovered that asteroids could have rings. These are nothing more than dust particles that are circling the spacecraft.

Sometimes, several small asteroids merge to create a tail-like extension of asteroids.

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5. They’re strange-shaped, oblong-shaped masses

The mass of rock and weak gravity create unusually shaped asteroids, ranging from 2 to 1000 meters in dimension. The majority of them are covered in a layer of dust. They can’t keep an atmosphere in place, and their surface temperature is about -70 degrees Celsius.

6. Asteroids are abundant in water and minerals.

Asteroids are rich in carbon, silica, and metals. Some also contain water-ice in the rubble. Astronomers believe that when asteroids regularly collide with other planets during the early years, they carry certain essential substances to our planets. They believe that the life-cycle processes on Earth could have been initiated by supplying the planets with carbon deposits.

Humans are actively exploring asteroids to mine the mineral reservoirs of asteroids. Certain probes are heading back to Earth with rocks from asteroid bodies to be examined.

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7. Asteroids contain water in gullies

In 2015 noticed the presence of water trails known as gullies in the orbit of Vesta. If a small asteroid comes into contact with another larger one, the impact causes the melting of the water ice trapped in the smaller asteroid. It then drips onto the larger asteroid leaving a water trail on the rock.

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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