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14 Facts About Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 and endured a challenging childhood. Despite his struggles, he became one of the top leaders of the USA.

He abolished slavery throughout the United States and unified the country through the difficult years of the Civil War. Here are some fascinating and entertaining Facts About Abraham Lincoln that you can share with your children.

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Abraham Lincoln Facts and Information for Kids

1.He wasn’t born into a rich family.

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. They were extremely poor. They lived in a log house. His father was a victim of many mishaps while Lincoln was a young man and, as a result his childhood was lived in poverty. His wife, however, was born into a wealthy family. Mary Todd’s parents weren’t prepared for the marriage she planned to him.

2. He was extremely hard at work.

Abraham Lincoln was very interested when he was a kid and adored the great outdoors. He worked with his father on their farm and cut the firewood for his neighbors.

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3. He had four children.

Abraham Lincoln had four children. They included Robert Lincoln, Tad Lincoln, Edward Lincoln, and Willie Lincoln. Of the four children there was just Robert Lincoln survived to adulthood.

4. He was the first to establish his first National Banking System.

In 1863 during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency as president, the initial National Banking System was set in place. In the process, the currency of the day came into existence.

5. He was a self-taught attorney.

One of the most fascinating facts concerning Abraham Lincoln is that he learned law by himself. The self-taught lawyer passed his bar examination in 1836. Then, in 1837, the lawyer relocated to Springfield and began practicing law there.

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6. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1846.

Here’s one of the first details regarding Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln was elected to the US House of Representatives president in the year 1846. He was congressman until the next year. He was a highly unpopular congressman because he was supported his opposition to the Mexican-American War.

7. He freed all enslaved people.

Abraham Lincoln issued a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, which came into effect on January 1st, 1863. This decree ensured that all enslaved people from states not under federal jurisdiction were released from bonds. After Lincoln’s death, the law was finally passed in 1865 and banned slavery under the constitution amendment.

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8. Emancipation was his biggest accomplishment.

A less well-known Abraham Lincoln slavery fact is that he didn’t primarily intend to end slavery. He also did not focus on securing slavery. As he said, the “principal goal’ in his fight was to save the Union. Through this process the end, he ended slavery. Then he realized that emancipation had been his most significant accomplishment.

9. He was known as Honest Abe.

The tallest president in the USA, Lincoln (6 feet 4 inches) was nicknamed. The nickname he received was Honest Abe.

10. The man was an author.

Abraham Lincoln was a gifted storyteller. People loved hearing his jokes. He also had a great feeling of anticipation. He had told his bodyguards that he envisioned being shot dead. This was the day that he was killed.

11. He was a brilliant commander in that Civil War.

Lincoln was famously known for his role as the country’s leader through his time in the American Civil War. The North revered his leadership, which is why the country was held together. He also urged his fellow citizens to be strong and fight the south. His unquestioned leadership helped keep the country together. In this time He also paved the way for the liberty of enslaved people across the country.

12. The man was self-made. guy.

Abraham Lincoln received very limited formal education, but it did not hinder Lincoln from becoming a fantastic politician and the president of his nation. His love of books and learning made him successful and remains an extremely well-known individual ever. Lincoln was a self-taught individual and the majority of the knowledge gained was acquired from borrowing books. The following Abraham Lincoln childhood facts are the perfect examples of how determination and determination can overcome any obstacle in the way of learning.

13. He was a young man when he joined politics.

Lincoln as a young man was able to try various jobs as a young man. He was a storekeeper as well as a postmaster, or surveyor. He also split firewood using an ax to earn money. But the success he achieved as a politician was also achieved at a young age. His first experience when he got a seat in the Illinois Legislature was when he was only 25 years old.

14. He was shot dead.

Abraham Lincoln, the famous US president, was shot dead in 1865 after completing four years (1861-1865) as president. He was going to the stage show at Ford Theatre in Washington D.C. When he was killed in the head by John Wilkes Booth, who was a well-known stage actor. Lincoln died the next day on the 15th of April.

These are a few Abraham Lincoln facts for kids. His struggles as a child and how he became one of the most influential leaders can serve as a model for young people despite his struggles. This can help children understand that hard work is the key to success.

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