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Diet Pepsi Nutrition Facts!!

Type 1 and 2 diabetics have to manage their blood sugar levels every day. Is Dietr Pepsi good for health? Read Diet Pepsi Nutrition Facts here and find yourself!

Sugar is not a cause of diabetes. However, it is important to monitor your carbohydrate intake and sugar intake in order to manage both types. Type 2 diabetes can be reduced by eating healthy and being active.

Type 2 diabetes is often linked to obesity and overweight. Obesity is a leading cause of type 2 diabetes.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Trusted Source (CDC) states that more than one third of American adults are obese. Obesity can increase your risk of developing diabetes or other health problems.

Consuming processed foods high in sugar, unhealthy oils, and empty calories can increase your chances of gaining weight.

Sugary drinks are also a risk factor in developing type 2 diabetes. You might consider diet soda if you want to control your blood sugar or manage your weight.

Diet sodas are low in calories and sugar and can be an excellent alternative to sugary drinks. Diet sodas contain 99 percent water. You should expect to see less than 5-10 calories and less carbohydrate per serving.

Diet sodas, even though they don’t contain sugar, are sweetened with artificial sweeteners. They can contain artificial or natural flavors, coloring agents and acids as well as preservatives and caffeine.

What are the potential risks?

Diet soft drinks are safe but do not contain any nutrients. The ADA recommends that you drink water, unsweetened iced or hot tea, as well as sparkling or infused water. These drinks have very few calories and are safe.

They are high in carbohydrates but milk and 100 percent juices can still be wise choices when you take into account the nutritional benefits. Due to the high sugar content of fruit juices, be sure to limit them.

An 2000 studyTrusted Source, published in Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, examined the health risks of youth drinking colas.

A study showed that teenage girls who drank carbonated beverages were more likely to suffer from bone fractures. The majority of the girls consumed regular sugar sweetened soda while only 20% drank diet.

The study didn’t show the same for boys but it did raise concerns about milk replacement with soda at a crucial time in bone development.

Adults who consume diet sodas are only at risk if they drink too much. Caffeinated beverages can cause higher caffeine intakes.

Diet soda can replace all water, dairy and juice or 100 percent juice in your diet with diet soda. This can cause you to miss essential nutrients.

The safe level of intake is called the acceptable daily intake (ADI). An adult weighing 150 lbs should consume 20 12-ounce soft drinks, or 97 packets no-calorie sweetener like aspartame.

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Diabetes and aspartame

Aspartame is one the most popular artificial sweeteners. NutraSweet, Equal are two brands. Aspartame, a low-calorie sweetener, is 180 times sweeter then sugar. It’s often used as a substitute for sugar.

It doesn’t contain any calories or carbs, so it won’t have any effect on blood glucose levels.

Aspartame is composed of two naturally occurring amino acid, which are the building blocks of protein for humans.

These two amino acids, aspartic acid (and phenylalanine), are found in meats and grains, as well as milk. Aspartame is broken down into these amino acids and a small amount methanol. It doesn’t accumulate in your body.

Aspartame’s negative press is largely based on animal studies.

Because rats are not able to metabolize sugars in the same manner as humans, and because most of these studies don’t use high doses of sweeteners for testing purposes, they don’t reflect the safety of aspartame daily for humans.

Another urban myth that is commonly believed is that artificial sweeteners can make your body crave sugar.

Numerous studies have shown that those who drink low-calorie sweetened beverages instead of full-calorie drinks tend to eat healthier and consume fewer sweets. This can lead to weight loss.

Both pros and cons

There are pros and cons when it comes to diabetes and diet soda.

There are many benefits to diet soda when you have diabetes.

  • It has fewer carbs than regular soda.
  • It reduces sugar cravings without sugar overload.
  • You’re consuming far fewer calories.

There are some cons to diet soda consumption with diabetes

  • While you may be consuming very few calories, you are not gaining any nutritional benefits.
  • It contains potentially dangerous additives.
  • Diet soda long-term drinking can still lead to weight gain and other health problems.
  • Studies show that regular and diet soda consumption is associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes.

Pepsi Alternatives

Water is the best choice for hydration. However, many people prefer to drink drinks that have some flavor. There are many great alternatives to diet sodas if you don’t want to reach for one.

You can also choose milk. However, it is best to limit sweetened milk (like chocolate milk) and to keep track of carbs, as cow, rice and soymilk all contain carbohydrates.

While non-dairy alternatives to milk may contain fewer carbohydrates, they do not have the same nutritional value as cow’s milk and soy milk.

Another option is unsweetened tea. You can choose from many different types and flavors of tea, whether you like it hot or cold. You should remember that honey, which is a natural sweetener, can increase blood glucose levels by adding carbohydrate.

If in doubt, you can try fruit-infused water. Water can be flavored with fruit, cucumbers, lemon, or herbs like basil and mint. Sparkling water is also an option as long as it isn’t carbohydrate- or calorie-rich.

Ru is an entertainment nerd who likes to spill the beans about what's happening in the entertainment industry. She comes up with well-researched articles so that you can "Netflix and Chill." Come join her as she has a lot to tell her readers.


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