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Crown Royal Peach Nutrition Facts

Do you love a glass or two of Crown Royal from time to time? Would you like to know what nutritional value can impact your efforts to lose weight? Explore Crown Royal Peach Nutrition Facts here!

Since it was among the very first drinks to display nutrition information right on the bottle, You’ll be better prepared to make informed choices regarding your consumption.

What exactly is Crown Royal?

Crown Royal is a Canadian whiskey that Diageo owns. It is available in a variety of flavors and options. The official website provides the following products:

  • The Signature Series Blender’s Mash
  • Signature Series Deluxe
  • Signature Series Rye
  • Signature Series Black
  • Master Series Wine Barrel Completed
  • Master Series Reserve
  • Master Series XO
  • Master Series XR
  • Flavor Series Peach
  • Flavor Series Texas Mesquite
  • Flavor Series Salted Caramel
  • Flavor Series Vanilla
  • Flavor Series Apple

Most Crown Royal products contain 40 percent alcohol. Certain flavors, like Black, contain the equivalent of 45 percent alcohol. Flavors like Crown Royal Apple contain less alcohol at 35 percent.

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The official Crown Royal website offers a range mixes of recipes that meet the needs of their clients. According to the type of drinks and the occasion, this includes Whiskey and Cola, Whiskey and Ginger Ale, Apple Pie a la Mode, and many more.

Crown Royal Peach Nutrition Facts – Crown Royal Apple

Crown Royal Apple, also called Crown Royal Regal Apple, is an alcohol-based 35 percent, or 70 proof alcohol product. Crown Apple nutritional facts show that the 35-milliliter serving has 82 Crown Apple calories, and 10 grams of alcohol. It contains three grams of carbohydrates within Crown Apple, of which 2.8 grams is sugar. The amount of calories in the Crown Apple calories than in the normal whiskey although there is less alcohol due to the sugar content.

Based on the Department of Health and Human Services According to the Department of Health and Human Services, one gram of alcohol has 7 calories. This is 70 calories. which has the majority of calories in every serving come from the alcohol itself.

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If you add mixers like cola lemon juice, grenadine or cranberry juice, as called in some of the recipes on this site You’re adding more calories, carbohydrates, and sugar to your beverages.

If you take into account that the typical drink contains 1.5 fluid ounces of liquor as per the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, You’re taking in more calories than what the serving size suggests. The approximate amount of 1.5 fluid ounces equals around 40 milliliters, and it contains fourteen grams of alcohol.

Crown Royal vs. Other Whiskey

As for nutrition, the USDA suggests that all alcohol with a proof of 80 such as vodka, whiskey, gin or rum, contains 97 calories for 1.5 fluid ounces of serving.

If you examine Crown Apple nutrition facts to the nutritional information of other whiskeys, there are more calories from sugar and other ingredients added to create the liqueur. Baileys Irish Cream, For instance, it includes Irish whiskey, which is a mix of chocolate and cream. It has less alcohol in volume. However, it contains more calories due to the cream.

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As per Cornell Law School’s Legal Information Institute, the most fundamental aspect is that the differences in the taste and nutritional value from one whiskey to another depend on the source the liquor was initially made from and from where it’s produced. “Whisky” refers to any whiskey produced within the United States, whereas “whiskey” is made elsewhere in the country.

Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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