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25 Facts About Cuba

Do you want to learn more about Cuba? These 25 interesting facts about Cuba are probably not something you knew before reading this article!

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Facts About Cuba

  1. In 2015, the first Wi-Fi hotspots were opened to the public.

Prior to this, Wi-Fi access was restricted to a few people, mostly doctors and government officials. Access to the internet is not always free. Not all websites can be accessed via Wi-Fi hotspots.

You can still access most websites and applications. Depending on how long you need, you can use the Wi-Fi card for as little as 2-5 CUC (or as much as 5 USD).

  1. The government owns most restaurants.

Privately owned restaurants are called Paladares. These are rare, and most restaurants are operated and owned by the government.

If you’re looking for authentic Cuban food, Paladares can often be better than other restaurants in terms of quality and service.

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  1. Cuba has two currencies.

Cuba has two currencies. One currency for locals (CUP), one for tourists (CUC). Convertible pesos are also called the CUC. It has a fixed rate of 1 US dollar.

The bill on the left is a Cuban peso (CUP), while the bill to the right is a Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC).

  1. Cuban citizens have access to free education and medical care.

Cuba is well-known for its excellent health care system, which is free to all citizens. Everyone between the ages of 6 and 15 years old is required to go to school.

  1. Cubans could not own a cell phone until 2008.

Computers are the same. Since the law was changed, many Cubans now have laptops or cell phones. Particularly since 2015, when Wi-Fi hotspots were introduced.

If you see people sitting in parks with their phones, it’s likely that there is a Wi-Fi hotspot.

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  1. South Korean soap operas are extremely popular in Cuba

This is probably the most surprising fact about Cuba. South Korean soap operas are extremely popular in Cuba.

  1. Coca Cola is not officially sold in Cuba.

Two countries are well-known for their ban on Coca-Cola: North Korea and Cuba. But don’t be discouraged. You can still enjoy your favorite coke while on vacation.

Coca-Cola can be found in some hotels and being sold under the table at certain places. However, it is much more expensive than the Tukola local version.

  1. Cuba had an import ban on cars until 2011.

Cuba’s cars have become a world-famous tourist attraction. You can take a ride in one of these classic American cars. Many of these cars date back to the 1950s, before the import ban. Cubans couldn’t obtain spare parts for their cars because of this ban.

They had to find other solutions, such as putting an engine of another brand in another car or inserting a sofa into the backseat.

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  1. Cuba boasts 70,000 doctors who are qualified. Africa only has 50,000 qualified doctors.

You already know that the country is known for its excellent health care. Did you know they have the highest doctor-patient ratio anywhere in the world? The government sends doctors overseas with more than 70.000 doctors.

It is believed that Cuban doctors in foreign countries bring home 8 billion dollars, making the exports of doctors even more valuable than the entire tourism industry.

  1. 9 Unesco Heritage Sites are located in this area

Old Havana, the most well-known Unesco Heritage Site in Cuba, is one of them. However, there are eight other sites to explore, 2 of which are natural. Other Unesco World Heritage Sites include Cienfuegos, Vinales, and Trinidad.

  1. Cubans average $20 USD per month in salaries

Even though things are improving and becoming more modern, an average Cuban earns around 20 USD per month. That’s less than one dollar per day.

  1. Cuban households all have a rations book.

It’s clear that 20 USD per month is not enough money to purchase food. (If you are familiar with Cuban prices). Every household has a ration guide.

Products that are necessary by the government are subsidized at nominal cost.

  1. All broadcast media, including radio and TV, are owned and controlled by the government.

Because all media are owned and heavily controlled by the government, freedom of the press is not possible. Television, Radio, Newspapers, and other media are all controlled by the government. There were nearly 50 newspapers published days before the revolution.

  1. Public transportation is for locals only.

Public transport is much cheaper than taxis and buses for tourists. The local buses are not meant for tourists. You can still use the local buses if you speak Spanish.

Tourists should consider taking the Viazul bus or Taxi Colectivos.

  1. Cuban cigars are renowned as some of the best cigars in the world.

Although smoking is harmful to your health, Cuban cigars are still a favorite of many. They are well-known for producing some of the best cigars worldwide.

90% of Cuban cigars are sold directly to the government. The rest can be purchased privately by tobacco owners.

Five Fun Facts About Cuba

  • It snowed in Cuba once, and that was in March 1857
  • Hitchhikers must be picked up by government vehicles.
  • Cuba offered US$270 million Soviet-era credit to the Czech Republic in totality in rum
  • People are called “Usnavi,” after the US Navy.
  • Ballerinas in this area are highly sought-after and can earn more than doctors.

Cuba Facts for Kids: 5 x

  • The bee hummingbird is the smallest bird on earth.
  • Baseball is Cuba’s most loved sport
  • The country’s national animal is the Cuban Trogon (Tocororo).
  • Cuba is home to the Caribbean’s most populous country
  • It is made up of over 400 islands and cays

Random facts about Cuba

  • Between 17 and 28 years old, both men and women in Cuba must serve two years of mandatory military service.
  • Cuban dominoes is a very popular game.
  • Three distinct tribes of American Indians lived in Cuba before the Spanish arrived. The Taino, Guanajatabey and Ciboney are three distinct tribes of American Indian people who inhabited Cuba before the arrival of the Spanish.
  • Fidel Castro led the Cuban Revolution that began in 1953.

Cuban General Facts

Here is some basic information about Cuba, such as the total population, land area and highest peak, and other interesting facts.

  • Total Population : 11,221,060
  • Capital: Havana
  • Life expectancy: 79.7 Years
  • Highest Mountain: Pico Turquino (1974 meters)
  • Area: 109.884 km 2 (42.426 square miles).
  • Largest Lake: Laguna de Leche
  • National Day: 10 October (Independence day)
  • Government – Unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party socialist republic
  • Raul Castro is the first secretary of the Communist party.
  • President Miguel Diaz-Canel
  • Currency: Cuban Pesos (CUP) and Cuban Convertible Pesos (CUC)
  • Official language: Spanish
  • Religion: 60% Christians. 22% Non-Religious. 17% Folk religion. 1% Other.
  • Member of Nato: No
  • National song: “La Bayamesa
  • Time zone: (GMT-5)
  • Country No/Prefix: +53
  • Country Code: CU
Harrison Jones
Harrison Jones
Harrison has been a freelance financial reporter for the past 6 years. He knows the major trends in the financial world. Jones’ experience and useful tips help people manage their budgets wisely.


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